Friday 13 November 2009


Hi guys! Sorry I've not updated for a looong time!

I'm doing okay... I've had a couple MS moments through out the past few months. Ergh! L'Hermitte's is the worst. To put it in layman's terms it feels like an electric shock running down your body every time you bend your neck forward. If I could have plugged electrical items into myself then I'd have saved a fortune in utilities!

I had an update with my neurologist in October where I asked about the drug LDN (low dose naltrexone)I had heard so many good things about this, but I knew that doctors aren't readily prescribing it as it isn't a licensed on the NHS... Okay. I think I better put a link in here as it is so complicated to explain!
Here's the LDN trust's web site... have a read and see what you think... pretty impressive I think you'll agree!

So, to cut a long story short, my neauro was very supportive about me wanting to try LDN but he wasn't going to prescribe it, he did say if I could get a doctor to prescribe it then he'd be willing to monitor me.
I went a long to my own GP who hadn't even heard of it... so I gave him lots of information I had found on the net and he researched for me. He got back to me and said he thinks it's a good, positive thing and so cheap that as long as I never sued him (lol) He'd prescribe on the NHS for me!... result!!... I could have kissed him! going to get my script later today and give Dickson's pharmacy in Glasgow a call (The best and cheapest pharmacy to get your LDN from) and I'll be back keeping you all posted on how it is going for me :)
Until next time
God bless x

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