Saturday 6 June 2009

my relationship with MS

I was having a chat last night with my partner Chris, about life and things, and he asked how I thought MS had shaped my life, well I replied without thinking: I think MS has enhanced my life.
After I'd said it, I was shocked and a little sad and I didn't say much for a while, I just thought on my reply.
It was a strange reply, but when I had thought about it I realised that because of MS I am grateful for everyday, I am appreciative of all my wonderful family and friends, I have learnt to smile through bad times, and the cup is always half full and never half empty!

I also tried remembering my life before MS and I realised I couldn't remember it, that made me really sad, and although I have accepted MS in my life, I was angry with it for taking this away.

What I do remember though, is never being thankful for my life and always taking it for granted. I was complacent about good health and didn't respect myself like I do now, I didn't know my own body but now I know it.. excuse the pun, 'like the back of my hand'!

MS and I have a love - hate relationship, of course I hate it, it makes my body do crazy things, it hurts, it feels strange, it trips me over, and worst of all it laughs at me, when life is going good, it throws something in just to remind me it's still here.

But like wise it has shown me what life is all about, it's shown me life on this earth is way too short and precious to waste a single minute, it's shown me that even though the human body is strong it is in turn also very fragile and you should take care of it, it's shown me how to be strong, and now I know, you don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only option, and most of all it's shown me how to cherish everything, even the little things, don't argue with anyone.. you're wasting precious energy and precious time that you could be smiling and laughing

I came to the realisation that the most strongest , positive people I know are people with an illness/disability. People who have good health seem to waste it or don't embrace it, people with illness/disability are thankful and grab hold of every moment, this makes for a strong bunch of people!

So this is why my first response to the question: how has MS shaped your life? was... It has enhanced my life, I can't say it any other way, it sounds strange I know but it is also true


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